“I couldn’t even drive at that age, but if there’s a chance I’m your birth father, I want to know.”

In 1959, Nora was born in Edmonton & given up for adoption shortly after. Growing up without the names of her biological parents or the circumstances of her birth, her story was a complete mystery.

As the decades passed, curiosity led her to receive her adoption papers & finding her birth mother. Through an exciting reunion, she discovered that her mom had delivered her at the age of 15 & for unknown reasons did not disclose the father's name. Being content with her findings, she ended the search for nearly two more decades. 

Nearly two more decades passed before curiosity struck again & Nora started the search for her biological father. She contacted Trouvay, shared her Ancestry DNA results & the researchers got to work. Through analyzing her DNA cousin matches & reverse engineering her family tree, Trouvay identified the most probable biological father.

Nora hastily looked her dad up in the phone book & gave him a call. Greeted by a kind yet confused 80-year-old man, she explained who she was & what she knew about her birth. The man stated that he did not recall the birth mother or the conception. After discovering he was 15 years old at the time of her birth, he replied, “I don’t think I was that way because I couldn’t even drive at that age! But if there’s a chance I’m your birth father, I want to know.”

Subsequent DNA testing proved that he was the biological father & in the summer of 2022, an emotional reunion occurred wherein the father & daughter met for the first time.

The Uninformed Father


The 20-Year Search